Seed Potato Traceability and Blockchain Technology

It facilitates the audit and registration system by integrating blockchain technology into the supply chain management process of vegetables and fruits without an intermediary. In addition, product tracking traceability and transparency of content information are ensured throughout the process from the producer to the user. In addition, the verification process provided by blockchain technology also increases the reliability of agricultural foods.

gündüzleri kahverengi kuru yapraklar üzerinde yürüyen mavi kot pantolon ve mavi ayakkabılı kişi

The current communication framework in the food ecosystem makes traceability a time–consuming task, as some interested parties are still monitoring the information on paper. However, the nature of the blockchain enables each player in the food value chain to create and securely share data points to create a reliable and traceable system.

Blockchain use cases in food go beyond ensuring food safety. The implementation of blockchain for trading could also revolutionize hedging. Blockchain enables verified transactions to be shared securely with every firm in the food supply chain, creating a marketplace with tremendous transparency.

At this point, if we need to look at how it allows following the traceability of seed potatoes;

Quality seeds create the desired productivity in plant production. However, a potato seed with a high productivity potential may not reach the desired point even if the environmental conditions are suitable. At this point, plant breeding methods and modern technologies in seed production are of great importance.

The main factor determining the yield of the potato plant is the quality of the seed taken. The following factors determine the quality of the source;

Variety: The manufacturer should decide on the product in advance.

Health Status of the Seed: Care should be taken to ensure that the product used as a seed is free from diseases. For example, such as potato nematode, potato wart, brown rot, and ring rot diseases.

Physiological Age of Seed: Physiological age of potato seeds can be even more important than the health of the source in some grains.

At this point, high–level seed production is carried out using biotechnology in all countries with a voice in the seed potato sector. For this reason, governments must integrate their production of these technologies into this system to increase domestic seed potato production. In this respect, many companies have started to invest in high–level potato seed production in recent years. However, it cannot be said that these investments are at a sufficient level. For this reason, it is of great importance to expand the use of high–level seed production technologies to increase seed potato production and to provide special incentives for investments to be made for these purposes.

Companies that will develop in this direction should first start their plan by highlighting digital systems for agricultural technologies, digital systems supporting agriculture sustainability, digital agrarian mechanization, and digital applications that help reduce production costs and protect natural resources such as water and soil. In this respect, with the support of blockchain technology, they will have the chance to instantly intervene in monitoring systems, heat settings, and many other things.

What advantage can blockchain provide at this point?

  1. More trust can be established in global food manufacturers and suppliers.
  2. Removing some middlemen with blockchain can lower their selling prices to consumers.
  3. Consumers can quickly learn how a food product is grown and what type of soil and fertilizer is preferred for crops.
  4. Global food manufacturers and suppliers can be given greater confidence as counterfeit certificates, and labeling can be eliminated.
  5. It can learn with absolute accuracy what types of changes are made to food products by food processors, how these businesses are certified, and all the stops in the supply chain.

Here, with the many convenience and trust environment, it will provide, trust will be established between the producer and the consumer in this field, the income–expenditure balance will be equalized, the risks will be reduced, the financial difficulties will be alleviated, a quality and efficient production will be ensured, the rate of receiving positive feedback from the consumers will increase, thanks to traceability from start to finish. Communication speed will increase in production.

In short, it seems that with blockchain technology, which will make a difference in this field and every sector, traceability in seed potato production will go a long way and will continue to contribute to the growth rate with new developments.

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