Best solutions

aNumak & Company

Business solutions made with purpose

The Shift To Digital Is Now Critical For Businesses Producing Goods For Consumer.

We completely familiarise ourselves with businesses and the consumer products market to uncover the most significant use cases.

aNumak & Company

To become resilient and sustain Sustainable Development.

Leveraging CPG Analytics for Anticipating Customer Preferences

CPG companies utilize CPG analytics to anticipate shifting customer preferences and identify new growth prospects.

Overcoming Challenges in Harnessing CPG Data Insights for Competitive Advantage.

Consumer brands will stand out from the competition by identifying these growth opportunities and executing insights from granular data. However, companies encounter challenges in gaining these CPG data insights because of shifting consumer behavior and escalating prices.

Integrate Data from the Value Chain.

As CPG data stays segregated across separate business units, it is costly and infeasible to have a meaningful effect at scale.

Data from varied markets

Complicate matters while analyzing thousands of localizations for the execution of insight-driven tactics at more exemplary levels.

Insufficient actionable insights.

on future growth opportunities, making it difficult to upgrade and maintain essential commercial capabilities and assess impact.

Empowering Companies to Shape the Future

At aNumak & Company, we begin by assisting with the establishment of a single connected source of truth and co-developing forward-looking strategies on top of it, utilizing the new granular data and dismantling data silos.

Moreover, we help you close the final gap in executing these strategies in terms of dynamic insights, prescriptive actions, value realization, and value monitoring.

Quicker returns

and our own accelerators cut time to value in half.

CPG data analytics are being implemented

at a large scale throughout the company, allowing for identifying future growth spots.

Consistent increases in revenues

thanks to novel approaches to e-commerce, channel sales, customer experience, distribution, and brand marketing.

Together, let’s shape a healthier future

Revolutionize your CPG strategies. Elevate success.