Public Safety is Reshaped with 5G
5G technology continues to find its place in every field day by day. 5G, an essential technology infrastructure, will draw a new route to the technological course with the advantages and disadvantages from companies to public institutions, from production activities to our homes.
Starting from mobile networks, 5G technology will continue to surprise us with breakthrough innovations in many areas such as Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Software Resources, Edge hosted by technology. But, not content with this, 5G technology will also make a name for itself in public safety studies.
5G technology from these digital transformations affecting the world; In addition to opportunities such as speed and quality, it also makes infrastructure and data protection issues important. However, cyber security problems that may arise at this point enter our lives with it. As technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, etc., that digital support transformation develop, digital security problems increase. With the widespread use of fiber infrastructure and mobile communication, the private sector and public institutions are using electronic media more and more every day. Thus, more personal information continues to be transferred and stored electronically. At this point, it is known that 5G technology, which is still working, will provide a much higher data transmission speed than the fourth-generation technology, and there will be a severe increase in the rates of end–to–end connections. With the widespread use of 5G, which is expected to be a technology that will respond to the increasing communication needs at a high level, it will be possible to connect many devices to the internet technology.
One of the leading sectors is the public safety sector. Public safety is a broad field that expresses the protection of society with precautions and precautions. It is a sector that enables specific measures to be taken starting from open/closed areas. Each country has its methods and rules for ensuring public safety. However, there is one thing that unites them on a common point. At this point, of course, it is technology.
Although their methods of ensuring public safety differ, their methods pass through the same plane. This method is 5G Technology.
Five Impacts of 5G Technology on Public Safety
Thanks to this technology, within the scope of public security;
- Instant tracking systems,
Thanks to this system, units such as ambulances, police teams, fire brigade, etc., will be directed to the scene as quickly as possible, thus providing early intervention.
- Professional communication systems,
They are communication systems offered to users who need communication within the institution or between institutions. These communication systems enable data communication as well as voice communication.
- Quick interaction with security units (police, soldier, etc.),
5G technology will provide a great advantage for the effective use of hardware such as artificial intelligence, augmented tactical reality, and real-time inventory diagnosis and management.
- Customizable warning and notification systems,
- Employees’ entry/exit control, periodical examinations,
Here are some of the features that 5G technology will provide to public safety. But, of course, many more fields and topics can be placed in these substances.
However, some points need attention and priority at this point. 5G technology is an essential phenomenon at the top of the digital transformation and contains conveniences in many areas. But of course, there are some aspects of this convenience that need attention. One of them is the effects of the harmful radiation it emits. The problems caused by this radiation in the human body are not negligible. In addition, it is more vulnerable to attacks and vulnerabilities than 4G technology in terms of cyber security. Since this newly developed structure has not reached its final point yet, it is currently open to possible attacks and possibilities. Therefore, it is in a vulnerable position. For example, a compromised network may contain backdoors or malicious code used to carry out cyberattacks. Therefore, cyberattacks can damage a region’s power grid, or a 5G network can also be used for cyber espionage in both industrial and political fields.
However, this technology will open the door of a new formation by connecting countless unprecedented devices in the military, health sector, etc., especially in public security. With a faster, more accessible, and cleaner network system, it will enter our homes, companies, and many other sectors as a technological development that will allow many practical uses in terms of security and our daily lives.