Computer Vision tries to understand and automate the tasks of the Human Visual System.
Computer Vision tasks include acquiring, processing, analyzing, for example, in decision forms. Understanding in this context means transforming visual images (the input from the retina) into descriptions of the world that give meaning to thought processes and elicit appropriate action. This image understanding can be seen as decoding symbolic information from image data using models created.
Scientific teaching is concerned with the theory behind the extract information from images that Computer Vision is in artificial systems.
Sub–fields of Computer Vision include scene reconstruction, event detection, video monitoring, object recognition, 3D pose estimation, learning, indexing, motion estimation, visual servo rendering, 3D scene modeling, and image restoration.
The next decade saw work based on more rigorous mathematical analysis and quantitative aspects of Computer Vision. These include the concept of scale–space shape extraction. The researchers also realized that many mathematical concepts could be handled within the same optimization framework as regularization and Markov random fields. In the 1990s, some previous research topics became more active than others. Projective 3–D reconstruction research has led to a notice that many ideas were explored in beam tuning theory from the field of photogrammetry. This led to plans for sparse 3D reconstruction of scenes from multiple images. Progress has been made in the dense stereo fidelity problem and more multi–image stereo techniques. At the same time, variations of graph segmentation were used to solve image segmentation. This decade also marks the first time that statistical learning techniques are used in practice to recognize faces in images.
Recent work has seen a resurgence of feature–based methods used with Machine Learning (ML) techniques and complex optimization frameworks.
In addition, the advancement of Deep Learning techniques has brought more life to computer vision. The accuracy of Deep Learning Algorithms on various comparative Computer Vision datasets for multiple tasks such as classification, segmentation, and optical flow has outstripped previous methods.
Computer Vision Systems, which are designed with inspiration from human vision and benefit from the superiority of computers in data storage, processing, and imaging, are used in many fields.
Thanks to Computer Vision, one of the sub–titles of Artificial Intelligence (AI), systems that can detect and identify objects around us through digital cameras are being developed.
In the 1950s, eye–tracking technology was also used in the military field. For example, it was investigated how often and in what order the fighter pilots looked at the indicators in the cockpit during various maneuvers to prevent accidents caused by pilot error.
Today, while autonomous vehicles follow a predetermined route, they can detect the obstacles they may encounter with Computer Vision, quickly determine an alternative way and reach their destination safely.
Augmented Reality (AR) glasses placed on helicopter pilots’ helmets enable the pilot to more easily identify objects beyond the field of view and access flight information through glasses, thanks to this method.
Today, Eye–Tracking Technology uses are closer to daily life, such as advertising and education.
Less tiring systems are being developed for our perception with Eye–Tracking Technology.
Dr. Bektaş is working on the more efficient display of digital aerial photographs with the help of Eye–Tracking Technology and the role in human–machine interaction at the University of Zurich.
Dr. Bektaş, who works on Eye–Tracking Technology equipment that can instantly detect where people are looking, says, “The human eye is constantly in motion. When our eyes focus on a fixed point during this movement, they perceive a high level of visual detail. Outside this point, they perceive a lower degree of detail.”
“If we can instantly detect the places we are not looking at on a digital screen, we do not need to use high resolution in those parts of the screen,” said. Dr. Bektaş said, “Systems that are sensitive to the focusing point of the eye benefit from Eye–Tracking Technology. Thus, they visualize the areas that we do not look at on the screen in blue.”
We can enable users to work more efficiently at the screen.
Saying that this method allows the user to notice details that escape their attention, Dr. Bektaş shares the following information about this technique:
With Eye–Tracking Technology, we can track where someone is looking at, and in some cases enable users to work more efficiently on the screen. As a result of our experiments have reached findings that support this claim as a result of our experiments. For example, we asked the people who participated in our experiments to examine dozens of aerial photographs in high resolution and detail and the presence and location of various objects in those photographs. We found that participants could find the objects they were looking for more quickly when we reduced the details in the places they weren’t looking.
Solutions can be offered to facilitate the daily activities of individuals with reading difficulties and attention deficits.
We can detect the change in the eye movements of machine operators and enable them to work more efficiently.
Tagging products will end with computer vision, digital production, and Deep Learning Methods.
We can distinguish counterfeit products from each other using a phone camera.
Thanks to Eye–Tracking Systems, we can detect where a person is focusing.
The areas most closely related to computer vision are image processing, image analysis, and machine vision. There is considerable overlap between the various techniques and applications they cover. This implies that the basic techniques used and developed in these fields are similar, which can be interpreted as just one field with different names.
On the other hand, it seems necessary for research groups, scientific journals, conferences, and companies to present or market themselves specifically to one of these fields. So there have been various characterizations that distinguish each field from the others.