Life is ready to go back to normal, what with the vaccine and all that. But is your brand ready to go back to normal after the e-commerce boom in the pandemic? We all know that the consumer’s behavior has changed, his needs too. He no longer strives for the physical stores, according to data from IBM’s US Retail Index. Department stores seem to be the most affected ones by the pandemic, as they fell down by 75% in 2020. Going back to the old normal is very unlikely, so there must be a new way or strategy to obtain. 

What will happen for E-commerce?

Diversity, not loyalty 

During the lockdown, most of the consumers were forced to leave their brands and loyalty to them for other ones. But, when they explored new things online, they liked what they saw, intending to keep their new online shopping habit. This proves that loyalty is not fixed but variable. What they want is diversity. The ability to choose between hundreds of items. Effortless and easy. However, diversity does not stop here only. It is much more than that. An e-commerce company means it is international and global. A step toward diversity would be localization. It contains translations and much more. It would bring the site to the consumer, makes him feel that he belongs.     

Bring the smartphones 

Research expects that by the end of 2021, 54% of e-commerce will be coming from smartphones and not computers. Bear in mind that during the lockdown, smartphones have become an inseparable part of the consumer. He uses it for everything, and even for shopping. The next strategy would be to integrate your data with smartphones and localize them with users all around the world, to become the business of the century.

Let your website be SEO-Friendly

You always have to check your website to see your SEO ranking. It is a good time to shift from B2B to D2C, direct to the customer, which has been successfully able to crowd markets. Research keywords and use SEO-friendly content. Consider showing your consumers and customers that you understand what they have been going through the past two years. Empathize with them. This has been a good selling point in 2020 and should continue to be that through the years.

Use AI Technology 

With AI data, you could predict the customer’s desires and wants to present them with what they really need instantly, tailored, and ready. It would become easier for the customer to choose between products, increase the demand, and provide you productivity. 

Learn from the pandemic

If you couldn’t capture traffic in the pandemic, it is time to learn why. Listen to your customers, see what they really want and need, and what makes them always prepared for what is coming next. It is a time of recovery, and you need to have your customers besides you. 

It is a known fact that consumer behavior won’t go back to the old normal, it has adopted a new one, and we have to adopt as well. We have no excuses anymore, as a brand and a business, but to immerse into an e-commerce strategy, to fulfill the customers’ needs. Physical stores are not as necessary as they were before. Customers have seen that the online experience is much easier.  


  1. tammee van elslande March 17, 2024 at 2:44 am - Reply

    tammee van elslande

  2. cameil bross March 30, 2024 at 7:06 pm - Reply

    cameil bross

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